Looking to compare auto insurance companies? Want to know which one has the best rates, the best service, and is the most reliable? Here's where to get that information.
Compare Auto Insurance Companies Financial Ratings
There are two websites where you can get auto insurance company financial ratings - AMBest.com and StandardAndPoor.com. These websites rate auto insurance companies based on how solvent and how credit worthy they are. The more solvent a company is the more like it will be able to pay it's insurance claims.
A.M. Best ratings go from A++ (superior) to F (the company is liquidating its assets and is insolvent). Standard and Poor ratings go from AAA (highest) to D (the company is in payment default or is filing for bankruptcy)
When choosing an auto insurance company you should pick one with a B rating or higher.
Compare Auto Insurance Companies Service
There are two websites where you can find out how well a company treats its customers and handles its claims - JDPower.com and Epinions.com.
J.D. Power & Associates rates auto insurance companies customer service and claims handling based on their customer's experiences. Epinions rates companies based on customer service experience and also posts customer's reviews.
To choose an auto insurance company that offers good customer service and good claims handling, pick one that has a three star rating or higher.
Compare Auto Insurance Companies Prices
The easiest way to compare auto insurance company prices is to go to an insurance comparison website. These websites give you auto insurance quotes from multiple companies so you can compare them and choose the company with the best price.
The best of these sites also has an Articles section where you can get money-saving tips, and a Chat feature where you can get answers to your auto insurance questions from insurance experts. They only work with A-rated companies so you know their companies are reputable and will give you good service (see link below).
Visit http://www.LowerRateQuotes.com or click on the following link to compare auto insurance company rate quotes from top-rated companies and see how much you can save.
The author, Brian Stevens, is a former insurance agent and financial consultant who has written extensively on how to get cheap automobile insurance rate quotes.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brian_Stevens
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